Make Virus, Bacteria, Odour and Fungi infections an indoor thing of the past.

Long before the Covid pandemic, contaminated indoor spaces were a health hazard. Bleach, deep-cleaning and direct UV light had all been tried and ultimately failed to make a material difference to infection control. Hospitals suffered with superbugs, cross infection was common place and the vicious circle could not be broken.

Until now.

Hydroxyl Radicals have cleansed our atmosphere for thousands of years, understanding their impact and how they could benefit us is a relatively new discovery.

Radical Clean Solutions International has the technology to create the OH radicals indoors and in doing so cleanse our air and all surfaces of pathogens like nothing else before.

The pandemic highlighted the impact not addressing the problem could have on businesses big and small, children and their development and education and sectors crucial to any economy’s survival such as Hospitality and Travel. We do not want any business to have to close its doors again because of a pathogen outbreak.